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Tarot Tutoring 

Discover hidden symbols in tarot cards. Explore ancient archetypes and phases of life experience with custom tarot spreads and study guides.

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Wisdom Portal

β€œCompilation of  Terrestrial examples of Geometrical Figures.”

Three Quarks

β€œPlatonic Solids.”

Simple Tarot

β€œTarot Numerology”

Esoteric Meanings

β€œColor Symbolism.”

The Yin and the Yang

Duality is a belief held by some schools of philosophy that reality is fundamentally composed of two parts. Conscious and subconscious, day and Ouroboros Yin Yangnight, mind and body, right and left, macro and micro, active and receptive, life and death, and sun and moon are all examples.

Things that appear to be opposites are actually two inseparable parts of the same thing.

All tarot cards contain both light and shadow energies to help guide us on our path.

The Yin and the Yang

Duality is a belief held by some schools of philosophy that reality is fundamentally composed of two parts. Conscious and subconscious, day and Ouroboros Yin Yangnight, mind and body, right and left, macro and micro, active and receptive, life and death, and sun and moon are all examples.

Things that appear to be opposites are actually two inseparable parts of the same thing.

All tarot cards contain both light and shadow energies to help guide us on our path.

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of tarot enthusiasts

Our Meetup takes place online every month on the Third Thursday at 7pm - 9pm Pacific

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β€œThe basic consciousness structure is perfectly organized according to the principles of sacred geometry, even though the physical structure of the Universe looks to be very random.”

― Jozef Simkovic

β€œThere are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

― Albert Einstein

Attend our monthly Meetup on Zoom

We meet on the third Thursday of every month at 7pm Pacific. Log in and join us! ✨